Release notes – Web – v1.58.0

September 01, 2023


  • Work Orders: Add Current Hours, Current Mileage, Current Location, Telematics Device ( Product Name & Serial Number ) to the Work Order detail page.


  • Refactor User Sidebar and Navbar

Release notes – Web – v1.57.0

September 01, 2023

New Feature

  • Locations: Countries, States, and Locations
  • Customers: Migrations and Models
  • Customers: Create Page
  • Customers: Edit Page
  • Customers: List Page
  • Customers: Show/Manage Page
  • Customers: Controllers, Routes, Permissions


    • Notes: Permission Fixes
    • Work Orders: Due Miles and Due Hours Columns
    • Minor Bug Fixes to Telematics Table

    Release notes – Web – v1.56.0

    August 28, 2023

    New Feature

    • Projects: Show/Management


    • Projects: Edit Page: Update to new Format

    Release notes – Web – v1.55.0

    August 22, 2023


    • Utilization Report: Save Status and Filters
    • Utilization Report: Export not showing Assigned users


    • Work Orders: Upcoming Tables: Create Work Order Functionality
    • Minor bug fixes

      Release notes – Web – v1.54.0

      August 22, 2023


      • System: Update to UTC and Timezone Selection

      Release notes – Web – v1.53.0

      August 22, 2023

      New Feature

      • Work Orders: Requests: Edit


        • Work Orders: Category Select Update

        Release notes – Web – v1.52.0

        August 8, 2023


        • Telematics Integrations: Create the ability to not move assets to Unassigned.
        • Assets: Financials: Add Asset Financial Fields (Sell Date, Sell Price, and Sell Type)


        • Assets: Detail Page: Work Order Tab: Autofill Asset On Create

        Release notes – Web – v1.51.0

        August 7, 2023


        • Work Orders: Schedules: Adding Assets Improvement
        • Work Orders: Other Work Orders Modal: Update Table Columns

        Release notes – Web – v1.50.0

        August 3, 2023


        • Emails: Remove Login Language for Notification Only Users and add Project Numbers

        New Feature

        • Assets: Edit Page: Work Order Tab: Add to Schedule

        Release notes – Web – v1.49.0

        July 31, 2023


        • Projects: Edit Page: Redirect back to Last Tab

        New Feature

        • Work Orders: Complete Popup: Add additional related work orders
        • Work Orders: List Page: Add Asset Status Filter


        • Work Orders: Sub Request: Add Toggle to allow called-off and sold assets
        • Work Orders: Create Page: Allow multiple Assignees
        • Assets: Edit Page: Work Orders Tab: Completed Status Default Active On Filter

        Release notes – Web – v1.48.0

        July 25, 2023


        • Work Order: Create and Edit Pages: Add Checkbox to Include Called-Off and Sold Assets in the Asset Search
        • Work Order: Create Page: Add Checkbox to Make Assignee Selection Optional
        • Work Order: List Page: Add Location-Based Filter to Work Order List Table
        • Work Order: Show Page: Nearby Work Orders Module

        Release notes – Web – v1.47.0

        July 14, 2023


        • Inspections Log: Sort Table Most Recent Date

        New Feature

        • Work Orders: Show Page: Manually Trigger Assigned Notification Email


        • Reports: Project Forecast: Add Project Column

        Release notes – Web – v1.46.0

        July 13, 2023

        New Feature

        • Work Orders: Show Page: Add Section to Show Open Work Orders

        Release notes – Web – v1.45.0

        July 12, 2023


        • Call Offs: Capture and save call off information and create a note on the asset
        • Telematics: Add Checkout user to a few views


        • Work Orders: Assigned Notification Email: Set First Column Width on Tables
        • Minor bug fixes related to project editing

        Release notes – Web – v1.44.0

        July 11, 2023


        • Work Orders: Schedule Create: Make Category Selection Required
        • Work Orders: Schedule Show Page: Delete Assets
        • Work Orders: Show Page: Change Ordering of Tasks
        • Telematics: Digital Matter: Handle Odometer Readings

        Release notes – Web – v1.43.0

        July 10, 2023


        • Projects: Make filters Multi Select
        • Projects: Center Map to Companies address
        • Assets: Add the ability to add notes to assets in the “Update Assets” mass action
        • Utilization and Inspection Logs: Reassign Inspections on Called-Off Assets

        Release notes – Web – v1.42.0

        July 6, 2023


        • Projects: Create the ability to delete a geofence


        • Assets: Utilization Logs Tab: Log Default Time to Local Time